Welcome to the RADD Lab!
Started in 2014, the RADD Lab is a research lab at Michigan State University that is dedicated to issues related to autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities. RADD stands for - Research in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. The lab is directed by Sarah N. Douglas, PhD – and Associate Professor in Human Family Studies Department. Our work within the RADD lab focused on supporting children with disabilities, their family members, and their educational teams.
The RADD lab includes research faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate research assistants who support our work. We have conducted projects related to family functioning and support, peer relationships, children’s communication and functioning, paraeducator supports in schools, and professional development for educators. Our work is primarily within applied settings such community settings, classrooms, and the homes of families. Lab members are focused on publishing and presenting their work in academic, practitioner, and media platforms. With all of our projects we strive to conduct research that is applied, useful, and directly impacts the lives of children with disabilities.
Find the RADD lab at:
406 Human Ecology
552 W. Circle Dr., East Lansing MI 48824